Great Blogging!

In a moment of gratitude, I wanted to provide suggestions for other blogs I enjoy, and for different reasons.  Many are trying just to get through their everyday and others are going above and beyond and working to help end the stigma associated with mental health.  Their writings inspire me and some days help me when I’m down.   

Grief Happens:  I enjoy this blog because it’s a mom working on everyday issues and some extra issues as well.  Personally I enjoy the way she writes, but also because I can relate in somedays to her stories.  While I did not have my children by birth I am still a mom and being a mom with mental health issues can be ever so challenging. 

Follow it here:

I love Ms. Judy, not just because she did a feature on me and my show (though I will still take her adoration) but she is a down to earth gal and talks about being a daughter of someone who suffers from mental health issues.  I relate to this on many levels but it is so important for stigmas to be broken about us moms who suffer from mental health issues.  We are still good moms but we sometimes need more supports and in my case, a husband that is 100% supportive.

Follow Judy Here:

Amy Griffin:  This blog features mental health from a counsellor’s perspective.  I like the idea of someone learning and treating people like me.  I would personally have eaten her alive, us borderlines are tricky little patients able to convince everyone the world is fine (I ended up with a therapist who had worked with women in prison, most of the borderlines so she is amazing at calling me on my bull), but I enjoy her  musings and am glad for people like her entering this often thankless profession!

Follow the counselor here:

Overall Mental Health Blog:  This blog is a lovely blog focused on information about mental health NOT just about what affects her but for mental health issues everywhere.  Beautifully written and a must follow!

Follow it here:  about all mental health not just hers

Sobriety and Youth:  I struggled with this one, not because of the blog or the person, they are both awesome, but because this blog makes me both happy and sad.  It shows me how much today youth has in front of them for mental health and addictions programs, even though there is much more work to be done.  In the next ten years things will even get better for my children and this young woman is on the frontier of the change.  I admire her dedication and work to this cause and personally one of her tweets really helped me out.  I get a bit sad thinking back to when I was a young woman over 20 years ago and was medicated and given no supports mental health or otherwise.  I still made it and hope that this blog helps many young women struggling out there today.

Follow her at:

So if you read me, you may enjoy these other blogs.  Don’t tell them I sent you haha, just go read and support other people trying to make a difference, one post at  a time.

Thanks for listening,
